about this blog and its author

Shi Ti Minto is the ancient art of stylistic introspection. It is, in essence, identifying things that interest you, and exploring what it is about those things that both draws you to them, and in doing so, reflects who you are.

It consists if 3 steps:

First, the identification of what you think is notable and cool (the ‘shi‘).

Next, an acknowledgment of when, where, and how this particular ‘shi’ was introduced to you (the ‘ti‘).

Finally, a thorough examination and attempt at expression of what it is about both the ‘shi’ and the ‘ti’ that have drawn your interest: why you like or admire the subject (the ‘minto‘).

In short, the WHAT, HOW, and WHY of  your perception of ‘cool’.

It is both meditation and exercise, an act of inward examination and outward expression, at once the absorption and propulsion of one’s thoughts and beliefs. In this case, my cool – an indirect expression of ME.

As for me, I am an incredibly happily married Marketing executive at Kenneth Cole for Ralph Lauren here in New York City. I am originally from the southern suburbs of Boston, hold a BA from Colby College, and live a life full of food, fashion, family and funny…ness – all of which I attempt to embrace and experience with as little personal prejudice as possible. Or at least as little as I am able to effectively muster, given a natural propensity toward sarcasm, cynicism, and several other alliterative characteristics starting with either an ‘s’ or a soft ‘c’. ‘Soft C’, incidentally, is not my DJ name, although more because I am not a DJ, than that it does not apply accurately in several manners. But I digress.

I am lucky enough to have found and married someone whom I truly consider my better half, a true native New Yorker who is at once the ultimate complement to all that I am, and the inspiration for all I aim to be – the ever-evolving yin to my yang, especially if ‘yin’ means ‘putter-up-with all matter of her husband’s’ and ‘yang’ means ‘relative idiocy’.

The views expressed and subject matter contained within this blog in no way reflect any positions or viewpoints held by my employer, nor any individual or institution associated therewith. They are my own personal observations about food, clothing, music, travel, culture, literature and other esoteria that happen to have drawn my eye, and reflections on what it is about them that I find so compelling, without, I assure you, any professional bias in any way on my part.

All photography on this site is shot by me personally, unless linked to, in which case, all hyperlinks the result of simple Google searches, and are meant only to lend greater perspective and/or frame of reference to that given thought or phrase.

All content, unless otherwise noted, is authored by me, and is purely a personal exercise in shi ti minto. Or, more honestly, is just a bunch of shit I’m into. Enjoy.

– flems

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